Let us meet in the mountains of Vermont! 

Join us for a week of magick and mystery.

VWC 2005

August 27 – Sep 3

Through The

Looking Glass


Down The Rabbit Hole

Blue sky. Sparkling waters. Deep forest. Open meadows. Radiant sunlight. Fields of ferns and nearby bogs. Brilliant stars and the Milky Way. Mother Earth has laid out her finest welcome at Vermont Witch Camp.

You’ve embarked on a journey of co-creation this summer. We will join as a community into greater connection with the forces of the universe, with our magic, and with all our allies in the Universe – seen and unseen. Come prepared to be part of the community – making art, creating ritual, building altars, listening, singing, drumming, celebrating, healing!

Earth transforms Herself again and again and again – adapting, re-creating, evolving. What cultures surround us in the plants, animals, and living land? How is our relationship with the land reflected in our relationship with self, with others? How will a peaceful, cooperative, Goddess worshipping, magical community manifest? Let us spend the week together in the world we know is possible: crafting ritual, sharing skills, listening and being listened to, honing our abilities and creating energetic magical change. Let the world we want to create re-root us in our daily living in the land we call home.

We gather for the 10th year as a new community yet again. We are all teachers, and we are all students, we are all priests and we are all priestesses. Please bring your most sacred self and come prepared to share your own truths and wisdom with others!