Let us meet in the mountains of Vermont! 

Join us for a week of magick and mystery.

VWC 2002

August 24 – 31

Journey To Avalon

Join us as we embark on a journey of spiritual and personal growth: a journey that will open us, stretch us, empower us, transform us. An intensive, not a festival, this week is an opportunity to deepen our connection to the sacred, to learn and enrich personal and magical skills through pathwork, small group sharing, workshops, community service and ritual. We each make a commitment to stay for the whole week.

One hundred and twenty five women and men come together to create this magical community. We work with teachers trained in the Reclaiming tradition of the Craft. Reclaiming is a community of women and men working to unify spirit and politics. Our vision is rooted in the religion and magic of the Goddess – the Immanent Life Force. The work we do together gives us the energy to grow and nurture ourselves and our wider world, ‘to birth a vision of a new culture’. Our camp encourages and celebrates diversity, but you must be 16 years old to participate (under 18 will need parental permission).

Our theme this year is Journey to Avalon. In the legends of Avalon, ancient priestesses parted the mists to journey to an from the sacred isle – their spiritual home, source of deep magic and learning and place of power. Join us as we conjure our spiritual home, and travel through the mists of this culture torn at its roots to remember our won source of deep magic, our connection to earth and to life. We are called as individuals and as a people to follow our deepest desires for wholeness. We will grow the roots that ring healing and balance to the pain, obsession, greed and destruction that shadows our world.

We will learn to walk with one foot in each world, with the courage that can only come from each intentional step. With commitment, joy, daring an trust we will come together to embody new myths.

Let us conjure together the time and place to fed our deep souls. It is time.