Let us meet in the mountains of Vermont! 

Join us for a week of magick and mystery.

VWC 1996

August 24 – 31


And The

Golden Apples

Trillium is proud to bring back Starhawk and the Reclaiming Collective lead our camp again. This time, using the story of Idun and the Golden Apples. Come join us as we dance, drum, chant and trance to deepen our connection to the earth and to the sacred in our lives.

This week of Myth, Magic and Mystery is a week of ritual, magic and community. Each day is filled with pathwork – a time to learn and deepen our magical skills for personal growth and transformation – small group sharing, optional workshops and group meetings.

Evening rituals draw us more deeply into ourselves and into the community of beings on this Earth.

We build community spirit as we set up camp, get to know each other, and create sacred space. Each camper shares in the work of keeping camp running smoothly through a choice of 2 – 3 work sessions.

This week is open to those whose spiritual tradition, national origin, race, gender, age, sexual orientation, and lifestyles may differ from your own. We ask each of you to be responsible for filling this sacred space with love, wisdom, truth, responsibility and understanding.